Paralympic Prep Camp - UK

Today we begin our final phase of preparation as we move towards the postponed Paralympic Games in August 2021. Usually, we would be headed to the sunny climbs of Northern Italy, to our European home-from-home, Varese however the pandemic had other ideas.

Just like everything in the past two years of the cycle, things have changed due to the ever evolving landscape thanks to Covid-19 and instead, we are setting up camp in a hotel in Reading, in order to train at our usual base in Caversham. Covid rates are on the rise in the UK and with the government moving towards lifting all restrictions, the Italian rules have tightened for UK travellers into Italy and we would be facing a 5 day quarantine - not too useful for a 14 day training camp.

Whilst is staying in the UK definitely is not our top choice, we are very grateful that we have got an incredible facility to train in on a daily basis and our coaches have made it as “camp like” as possible. As we are spending just shy of a month in isolation between the hotel and Caversham, home comforts are essential… for Ben - his coffee machine, for G - some art supplies and for me - my sewing machine!

The start of our camp also coincides with the opening ceremony of the Olympics and most importantly, the start of the rowing! We train with the Olympic team every day and can’t wait to watch them race.

It feels like things are really starting to get serious now - with the Olympic regatta about to start and us moving into the next phase, I feel like the race we have been waiting for really is just around the corner.


Paralympic Holding Camp - Japan


Paralympic Kit Day